Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Going Organic....Take the Two Week Challenge!

Hamadi Organics hair products are unlike other hair washes, shampoos, and conditioners.  We use only nature's ingredients like honey, sweet orange, and ginger to stimulate, invigorate and clean hair gently.  Our ingredients will strengthen follicles against free radical damage such as the sun's harmful UV rays and will put moisture back into your strands, while also protecting hair color.  We not use synthetic foaming agents which can cause irritations, rashes, hair loss, dandruff, allergic reactions and more. 

When you first switch to Hamadi Organics hair washes and conditioners, your hair's oils may go through an adjustment.  We suggest giving it two weeks to allow hair's natural oils to balance and clean out any synthetic protein structures and previous build-up your tresses may have.  So...are you ready for the challenge?  Try the Hamadi products for two weeks, and you will soon notice strong, resilient and shiny hair after regular use!

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